182 Lib. iii. ch. 19, viii. ch. 34.
190 Lib iv. ch. 14, viii. ch. 41-44.
194 Or offerings. Lib. ii. ch. 25.
195 [Synaxis. Elucidation II.]
196 Lib. vii. ch. 29, viil. 3O, 31. (See the whole history of ecclesiastical antiquity, on this point, in the learned work of Wharton B. Marriott, Vestiarium Christianum, London, Rivingtons, 1868.]
197 Lib. viii. ch. 12, v. ch. 19.
198 De Magistris, Acta Martyrum ad Ostia Tiberina, Rome, 1795 fol. Append., pl 478. [Bunsen, vol. ii. p. 302.]
199 [Ad proferendum sancte. A very primitive token.]
200 [Note this mild excommunication of primitive ages.]
201 Ordinatio missae. [Missa. See note 6, p, 256, supra.]
203 Sanctuary [Guettee, p. 424 Within the chancel-rails]
204 [ Bells first used in the fourth century by Paulinus in Campania.]
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |