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Note by the Edinburgh Translator.

Note by the Edinburgh Translator.


Letters of Cyprian to Quintus, to Fubaianus, to Pompey, on "the baptism of heretics; "and to Magnus on "baptizing the Novatians, and those who obtain grace on a sick-bed," may be found translated in Ep. lxx. (p. 377, supra), Ep. lxxii. (p. 379, supra), Ep. lxxiii. (p. 386, supra), and Ep. lxxv. (p. 397, supra), respectively; and the Letter of Firmilian to Cyprian against the Letter of Stephen, at p. 390, supra, Ep. lxxiv. All these letters are repeated, in extenso, in the Monumenta Veterum.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
Calvin College