96 marturasqai peri twn praktewn.
98 thj twn logwn autou akolouqiaj.
100 thn peri autou adiastrofon ennoian.
102 agwna ton prwton kai megiston thj yuxhj.
103 [See Dean Plumptre's The Spirits in Prison: Studies on the Life after Death, p. 85. S.]
104 thj kata thn kakian xusewj.
108 The reading in the text is ei kai ismen; for which both Bohereau and De la Rue propose epei ismen, which has been adopted in the translation: cf. epei ekolasqh, infra.
113 Cf. Matt. vii. 22, 23, with Luke xiii. 26, 27.
123 wste mhden diaferein paraplhsion einai legein gonteian th<\[_ Ihsou th Mwusewj.
129 Cf. Diodor., iv., Bibl. Hist.
130 autw swmati. [See Mozley's Bampton Lectures On Miracles, 3d ed., p. 297: "That a man should rise from the dead, was treated by them (the heathen) as an absolutely incredible fact." S.]
132 kata tina kia qesin eneiqwcaj.
133 h kata thn auton boulhsin doch peplanhmenh fantasiwqeij.
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