67 Cf. 1 Kings xiv. 12 [See note 3, supra, p. 362. S.]
69 Pepoihken anti spermatikou logou, tou ek micewj twn arrenwn taij gumaice, allw tropw genesqai ton logon tou texqhsomenou.
70 This difficult passage is rendered in the Latin translation: "but that, after they had believed (in Christ), they with no adequate supply of arguments, such as is furnished by the Greek dialectics, gave themselves up," etc.
76 [arxaiologiaj. S.] Cf. Joseph., Antiq., book xviii. c. v. sec. 2.
77 [Ibid., b. xx. c. ix. ยง1. S.]
83 Wsfranqh thj osmhj twn tou uiou qeioterwn imatiwn.
93 Cf. Mic. v. 2. and Matt. ii. 6.
94 [See Dr. Spencer's The East: Sketches of Travel in Egypt and the Holy Land, pp. 362-365, London, Murray, 1850, an interesting work by my esteemed collaborator.]
95 [Concerning this, besides Dr. Robinson (ii. 159), consult Dean Stanley, Sinai and Palestine, p. 433. But compare Van Lennep, Bible Lands, p. 804; Roberts' Holy Land, capp. 85, 87, vol. ii., London.]
98 Cf. Gen. xlix. 10, ewj an elqh ta apokeimena autw. This is one of the passages of the Septuagint which Justin Martyr charges the Jews with corrupting; the true reading, according to him, being ewj an elqh w apokeitai. Cf. Justin Martyr, Dialogue with Trypho, vol. i. p. 259.
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