57 Nec tamen sensus noster manifeste de eo aliquid horum definit, sed ita eum per haec intelligimus, vel consideramus, ut non omnino rationem status ejus comprehendamus, vel in eo, quod vigilat, vel in eo, quod dormit, aut in quo loquitur, vel tacet, et si qua alia sunt, quae accidere necesse est hominibus.
58 Tunc simulata quodammodo cogitatione.
59 Ps. cxxxix. 16, to akatergaston mou eidosan oi ofqalmoi sou, Sept.; "Imperfectum meum viderunt oculi tui," Vulg. (same as in the text.) yCny( w@)r ymln%
- "Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being imperfect," Auth. Vers. Cf. Gesenius and Fürst, s.v., sln%
60 Ambulavi usque ad imperfectum; cf. Book of Enoch, chap. xvii.
61 Universas materias perspexi: cf. Book of Enoch, chap. xvii. [On this apocryphal book, see the learned remarks of Dr. Pusey in his reply to Canon Farrar, What is of Faith as to Everlasting Punishment; pp. 52-59. London, 1881.]
65 Cf. Col. i. 15 and 2 Cor. iv. 4.
68 Nihil eum rerum intellectualium ex se lateat.
69 Cf. Prov. ii. 5, epignwsin Qeou eurhseij (Sept.), Scientiam Dei invenies (Vulg.). )cmxsyhl) t(r@
70 On which consult Dupin, and, for another view, Bunsen's Hippolytus. See also p. 383, infra.
71 Vol. v. p. 134, and passim to 745; also vi. 368.
74 Tractatus de Processione Spiritus Sancti, Gothae, a.d. 1772.
75 Christendom's Divisions, London, 1865.
77 Theodoret, book v. cap. ix.
78 Ed. Converse, New York, 1829.
79 A Review of Edward's Inquiry, by Henry Philip Tappan, New York, 1839.
81 New York, 1854. See vol. ii. p. 522, this series.
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