102 Cum utique secundum naturam unum sit.
103 Malitiae suae intentione conceperat.
105 Tropum vel figuram sermonis.
108 kai to kata to braxu de anagegrafqai.
110 ouk atopon de kai pop sunhqeiaj ta toiauta paramuqhsasqai.
112 Et apostolicae similitudinis munimenti habere adhus videtur assertio.
113 Isa. lxiii. 17, 18. Here the Septuagint differs from the Masoretic text
115 Morali utique tropo accipiendum.
120 Rationabilibus coelestibusque virtutibus.
134 Non tamen sine certâ ratione.
135 Digeri. The rendering "dispersed" seems to agree best with the meaning intended to be conveyed.
136 In the Greek the term is penthkontaetian.
139 penthkontaetian. Rufinus has "sexaginta annos."
142 Persecrutationis improbitas.
149 Persecrutationis improbitas.
156 apo twn yilwn rhtwn to ef hmin anairwn.
162 h amuntikh kai antapodotikh twn xeironwn proairesij.
168 Evidentissimâ assertione pietatis regulam teneamus.
170 Futuri status casusam praestat semper anterior meritorum status.
171 ewramenouj ou bebaiouj esesqai en th epistrofh.
173 wj eikoj mallon porrw ontej thj aciaj twn ecw.
174 ei mh mallon hmeij proj tw ecetastikw kai to eusebej panth agwnizomeqa threin peri Qeou, etc.
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |