81 [A very express testimony in favour "of speaking in the congregation in such a tongue as the people understandeth" (Art. XXIV. of Church of England). See Rev. H. Cary's Testimonies of the Fathers of the First Four Centuries, etc., p. 287, Oxford, 1835. S.]
82 Ex. xxii. 28 [qeou\j ou0 kakologh/seij, Sept. S.].
85 "The mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind to powder" (Plutarch): [De Sera Numinis Vindicta, sect. iii. S.]
94 a0ggelma/twn. Spencer reads a0galma/twn in this and the following sentences.
97 Euripides, Hippolytus, 612.
98 Isa. xxxviii. 19 (according to the LXX.).
99 [2 Kings iv. 17, 4 Kings, Sept. and Vulg. S.]
101 Ecclus. x. 19. In the LXX. the last clause is, "What is a dishonourable seed? They that transgress the commandments."
102 [Eccles. viii. 11. See cap. xl., supra. De Maistre has admirably annotated Plutarch's Delay of the Divine Judgment.]
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |