327 Cf. Ex. xx. 18 (LXX.). The Masoretic text is different.
332 The words as they stand in the text are probably corrupt: we have adopted in the translation the emendation of Guietus: e@ti kai nao/j e0sti tou= Qeou= to sw=ma tou= toiau/thn e@xontoj yuxh\n, kai\ e0n th= yuxh= dia\ to\ kat' ei0ko/na, to\n Qeo/n.
338 ["It is a remarkable fact, that it was Origen who discerned the heresy outside the Church on its first rise, and actually gave the alarm, sixty years before Arius's day. See Athanasius, De Decret. Nic., ยง27; also the peri\ a0rxw=n (if Rufinus may be trusted), for Origen's denouncement of the still more characteristic Arianism of the h0n o$te ou0k h\n and the e0c ou0k o!nten." - Newman's The Arians of the Fourth Century, p. 97. See also Hagenbach's History of Doctrines, vol. i. pp. 130-133. S.]
339 For au0tou= Boherellus conjectures au9tou=, and translates, "Propria ipse principia, quae sunt Epicuri, subruens."
342 ei!te e0ndiaqe/tw| ei!te kai\ proforikw=|.
344 ou0de\n tw=n e0n le/cesi kai\ shmainome/noij.
347 Cf. Matt. iv. 16. and Isa. ix. 2.
359 For ou9twsi/ we have adopted the conjecture of Guietus, tou/tou.
365 pneu=ma. There is an allusion to the two meanings of pneu=ma, "wind" and "spirit."
368 tupikw=j here evidently must have the above meaning.
374 ou0x@ w9j sw=ma de\ perie/xon perie/xei, o#ti kai\ sw=ma/ e0sti to\ periexo/menon.
377 Cf. book iv. capp. xiv. and lxviii.
378 th= ai0sqh/sei th\n a0rxh\n.
380 prossaxqh/sh de\ tw= legome/nw|.
381 da$n biasa/menoj o9 lo/gj eu#rh|.
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