201 For ai0sqhtw=n, Lommatzsch adopts the conjecture of Boherellus, approved by Ruaeus, e0sqh/twn.
205 qnhta/. Instead of this reading, Guietus conjectures pthkta0, which is approved of by Ruaeus.
206 'Wghno/n, i.e., in Oceanum, Hesych.; 'Wgh/n, w0keano/j, Suid.
207 kai\ mh\ paramuqhsa/menoj.
208 Cf. Iliad, i. 590 (Pope's translation).
209 Cf. Iliad, xv. 18-24 (Pope's translation).
210 a0nalogi/aij tisi\ sune/dhse kai\ e0ko/smhsen o9 Qeo/j.
211 a0mh/twr tij kai\ a!xrantoj dai/mwn.
216 e0nanti/oi o!ntej toi=j a9po\ tou= klh/rou tou= Qeou=, e!rhmoi/ ei0si Qeou=.
224 pteror0r9uhsa/twn. Cf. supra, bk. iv.cap. xl. p. 516.
225 Cf. Prov. xxiii. 5. [See Neander's History of the Church, vol. ii. p. 299, with Rose's note. S.]
235 meta/ tinoj e0pikru/yewj. Cf. 2 Thess. ii. 9.
237 Cf. Dan. viii. 23-25 (LXX.).
240 pai=da/ te au0tou= kai\ h0i/qeon.
242 [See Dr. Burton's learned discussion as to the Logos of Plato, and the connection of Plato's doctrines with the Gospel of the Son of God: Bampton Lectures, pp. 211-223, 537-547. See also Fisher's Beginnings of Christianity, p. 147 (1877). S.]
250 th\n e0k perissta/sewj genome/nhn.
255 o#ti ti/j pote/ e0stin h9 fu/sij tou= nou=, kai\ tou= e0n toi=j profh/taij lo/gou.
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