346 Ergo: Tertullian's answer.
347 Ch. xxx., towards the end.
351 Generatio: creation in the higest sense of matter issuing from the maker. Another reading has "generosiora essent," for our "generatio sola esset," meaning that, "those things would be nobler which had not been made." which is obviously quite opposed to Terullian's argument.
354 Colores. See our "Anti-Marcion," p. 217, Edin., where the word pretension should stand instead of precedent.
356 Innatum: see above, note 12.
357 Donec ad Scripturas provocata deficiat exibitio materiae.
360 Materias. There is a point in this use of the plural of the controverted term materia.
362 Isa. xxxiv. 4; Matt. xxiv. 29; 2 Pet. iii. 10; Rev. vi. 14.
367 Acerba sua "grossos suos" (Rigalt.). So our marginal reading.
373 Etiam mare hactenus, Rev. xxi. 1.
377 In hoc, ut esset. Contrasted with the "non erat" of the previous sentance, this must be the meaning, as if it were "ut fieret."
381 Age nunc sit: "But grant that there is this third state."
383 Other than "the right reason" above named.
385 The original, "Adversus renuntiationem reciprocationis illius," is an obscure expression. Oehler, who gives this reading in his edition, after the editio princeps, renders the term "reciprocationis" by the phrase "negative conversion" of the proposition that Matter is corporeal and incorporeal (q.d. "Matter is neither corporeal nor incorporeal"). Instead, however, of the reading "reciprocationis," Oehler would gladly read "rectae rationin," after most of the editions. He thinks that this allusion to "the right reason," of which Hermogenes boasted, and of which the absurd conclusion is exposed in the context, very well suits the sarcastic style of Tertullian. If this, the general reading, be adopted, we must render the whole clause this: "For it will be corporeal and incorporeal, in spite of the declaration of that right reason (of Hermogenes), which is plainly ehough above giving any reason," etc. etc.
386 Inconditum. See above ch. xviii., in the middle. Notwithstanding the absurdity of Hermogenes idea, it is impossible to translate this word irregular as it has been proposed to do by Genoude.
399 See below, ch. xli., p. 500.
401 Non accepisset translationem.
406 This is the force of the subjunctive verb.
409 Oehler here restores the reading "quod et de modo," instead of "de motu," for which Pamelius contends. Oehler has the mss. on his side, and Fr. Junius, who interprets "modo" here to mean "mass or quantity." Pamelius wishes to suit the passage to the preceding context (see ch. xxxvi.); Junius thinks it is meant rather to refer to what follows, by which it is confirmed.
414 Nec tota fabricatur, sed partes ejus. This perhaps means: "It is not its entirety, but its parts, which are used in creation."
415 Obduceris: here a verb of the middle voice.
416 In reference to the opinion above mentioned, "Matter is not fabricated as whole, but in parts."
417 Ut exemplarium antiquitatis.
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |