989 On the Marcionite hypothesis.

990 Deducerentur.

991 In quem competunt omnia.

992 Isa. vii. 9.

993 Rom. i. 20-23.

994 Ingenia.

995 Denique.

996 Olim.

997 Isa. xxix. 14, Sept.

998 Isa. xlv. 3, Sept.

999 Ventriloquorum, Greek e0ggastrimu/qwn.

1000 Isa. xliv. 25, Sept.

1001 Isa. xlii. 6 and xlix. 6.

1002 Luke x. 21.

1003 Ergo.

1004 Res ejus edisserens.

1005 Uti traduceret eas.

1006 Constructionem.

1007 Destructionem.

1008 Luke x. 22.

1009 Per.

1010 e0perxo/menoj ille; on which see above, chap. xxiii. p. 385.

1011 Marcion's god.

1012 Alieno abstinere.

1013 Aut si.

1014 Ecquomodo.

1015 Creatoris est.

1016 Ps. ii. 8.

1017 Luke x. 22.

1018 Isa. i. 3.

1019 This passage it is not easy to identify. [See Is. lxiii. 3.] The books point to Isa. lxv. 5, but there is there no trace of it.

1020 Isa. xl. 15. [Compare Is. lxiii. 3. Sept.]

1021 Speculam.

1022 When the vintage was gathered, Isa. i. 8.

1023 Quae cometere possunt.

1024 Luke x. 23,24.

1025 Ut decuit.

1026 Merito.

1027 Repraesentationem.

1028 Aeque.

1029 Tamen.

1030 Ex. xx. 12 and Deut. vi. 2.

1031 Luke x. 27.

1032 Legalem.

1033 Recidivae

1034 This is perhaps the meaning of "ne plus liquid observationis exigeret sublimior spe."

1035 Nec alius.

1036 Principaliter.

1037 Et utramque vitam.

1038 Ei opponit.

1039 Caput.

1040 Dei tui...Marcionites.

1041 Captanda.

1042 Praestet.

1043 i.e., he must needs have it taught and recommended by Christ.

1044 Viderit.

1045 As Marcion pretended.

1046 Luke xi. 1.

1047 Suffigi.

1048 Scito.

1049 Proinde.

1050 Sensum.

1051 Luke xi. 2.

1052 Generavit.

1053 Mundialis spiritus: perhaps "the breath of life."

1054 Gen. i. 2.

1055 Luke xi. 3.

1056 Milium.

1057 Ps. lxviii. 25.

1058 Luke xi. 4.

1059 Praedamnavit.

1060 Hoc ordine.

1061 Infamat.

1062 Luke xi. 9.

1063 Salutem : perhaps salvation.

1064 Unde sum functus. This obscure clause may mean "the right of praying," or "the right of access, and boldness to knock."

1065 Ad praestandum non suo homini.

1066 Autem.

1067 See Luke xi. 5-8.

1068 A sarcastic allusion to the ante-nuptial error of Marcion, which he has exposed more than once (See book i. chap. xxix. and book iv. chap. xxiii. p. 386.).

1069 Saeculum.

1070 Tantum quod = vixdum (Oehler).

1071 Luke xi. 8.

1072 Tam cito.

1073 Luke xi. 11-13.

1074 Apud quem.

1075 Luke xi. 14.

1076 Isa. xxix. 18.

1077 Luke xi. 19.

1078 Luke xi. 18.

1079 Luke xi. 20.

1080 Ex. viii. 19.

1081 Significaret.

1082 Vetustatum scilicet suarum.

1083 Apud.

1084 Applicuit.

1085 Luke xi. 21,22.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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