372 This must be the meaning of the dative illi.
375 We have kept this word to suit the last Scripture quotation; but Tertullian's word, both here and in the quotation, is "devorata," swallowed up.
381 Zech. xii. 10; John xix. 37; Rev. i. 7.
382 1 Tim. ii. 5. Tertullian's word is "sequester," the guardian of a deposit.
390 Cutem ipsam. Rufinus says that in the church of Aquileia they touched their bodies when they recited the clause of the creed which they rendered "the resurrection of this body."
393 An objection of the opponent.
404 What in our version is rendered "a natural body," is St. Paul's sw=ma yuxiko/n, which the heretics held to be merely a periphrasis for yuxh/. We have rendered Tertullian's phrase corpus animale by "animate body," the better to stiu the argument.
406 Compare ver. 45 with Gen. ii. 7.
407 See this put more fully above, c. v., near the end.
409 See the De Anima, v.-ix., for a full statement of Tertullian's view of the soul corporeality.
416 2 Cor. i. 22, v. 5, and Eph. i. 14.
438 Or the recovery of our entire person.
442 1 Thess. iv. 13-17 and v. 23.
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |