18 The text is corrupt and unintelligible. It has been restored as above.
20 Said by Ajax of the sword received from Hector, with which he killed himself.
21 The imitator of Thucydides, said to be weaker but clearer than his model. He is not specially clear here.
22 The text has, a0sfale/stera para\ do/can kai\ kakopragi/an: for which Lowth reads, e0pisfale/stera pro\j kakopragi/an, as translated above.
23 Iliad, xxiv. 44, 45. Clement's quotation differs somewhat from the passage as it stands in Homer.
24 The text has doi/h, which Stobaeus has changed into d' i!sh, as above. Stobaeus gives this quotation as follows:-
"The bastard has equal strength with the legitimate;
Each good thing has its nature legitimate."
25 As no play bearing this name is mentioned by any one else, various conjectures have been made as to the true reading; among which are Clymene Temenos or Temenides.
27 [See, supra, book ii. cap. ii. p. 242.] In Theognis the quotation stands thus:-
Oi\non toi pi/nein poulo\n kako/n h@n de/ tij au0to\n
Pi/nh e0pistame/nwj, ou0 kako\j a0ll' a0gaqo/j
"To drink much wine is bad; but if one drink
It with discretion, 'tis not bad, but good."
28 From Jupiter's address (referring to Pandora) to Prometheus, after stealing fire from heaven. The passage in Hesiod runs this:-
"You rejoice at stealing fire and outwitting my mind:
But I will give you, and to future men, a great plague.
And for the fire will give to them a bane in which
All will delight their heart, embracing their own bane."
29 Translated as arranged by Grotius.
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |