24 i.e., the Creator, or first God.
25 [Kaye, 179. An important comment; comp. cap. vii., supra.]
26 Isa. xli. 4; Ex. xx. 2, 3(as to sense).
30 "Or, by Him and through Him." [Kaye, pp. 155, 175.]
33 [Compare Theophilus, supra, p. 101, and Kaye's note, p. 156.]
34 [Heb. i. 14, the express doctrine of St. Paul. They are ministers to men, not objects of any sort of worship. "Let no man beguile you," etc. Col. ii. 4, 18.]
35 Luke vi. 27, 28; Matt. v. 44, 45.
37 The meaning is here doubtful; but the probably reference is to the practices of the Sophists.
39 Luke vi. 32, 34; Matt. v. 46.
40 [Harmless as flowers and incense may be, the Fathers disown them in this way continually.]
41 [This brilliant condensation of the Benedicite (Song of the Three Children) affords Kaye occasion to observe that our author is silent as to the sacraments. p. 195.]
42 Hom., Il., ix. 499 sq., Lord Derby's translation, which version the translator has for the most part used.
43 Comp. Rom. xii. 1. [Mal. i.11. "A pure Mincha" (Lev. ii. 1) was the unbloody sacrifice of the Jews. This was to be the Christian oblation; hence to offering of Christ's natural blood, as the Latins now teach, was unknown to Theophilus.]
45 Thus Otto; others render "comprising."
46 [The Ptolemaic universe is conceived of as a sort of hollow ball, or bubble, within which are the spheres moving about the earth. Milton adopts from Homer the idea of such a globe, or bubble, hanging by a chain from heaven (Paradise Lost, ii. 10, 51). The oblique circle is the zodiac. The Septentriones are referred to also. See Paradise Lost, viii. 65-168.]
47 Some refer this to the human spirit.
49 We here follow the text of Otto; others place the clause in the following sentence.
51 Or, Koré. It is doubtful whether or not this should be regarded as a proper name.
52 Or, Koré. It is doubtful whether or not this should be regarded as a proper name.
53 The reading is here doubtful.
54 [There were no images or pictures, therefore, in the earliest Christian places of prayer.]
55 [This was a heathen justification of image-worship, and entirely foreign to the Christian mind. Leighton, Works, vol. v. p. 323.]
57 [See Kaye's very important note, refuting Gibbon's cavil, and illustrating the purpose of Bishop Bull, in his quotation. On the !perixw/rhsij, see Bull, Fid. Nicaenae, iv. cap. 4.]
66 Or, "have accurately described."
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