5 Mark x. 17-31. Clement does not give always Mark's ipsissima verba.
6 Instead of mei=nai Fell here suggests mh\ ei\nai, non-being.
12 The reading of the ms.. is praqh=nai, which is corrupt. We have changed it into periqei=nai. Various other emendations have been proposed. Perhaps it should be prosqei=nai, "to add."
14 The application of the words h9 kainh\ ktisij to Christ has been much discussed. Segaar has a long note on it, the purport of which he thus sums up: h9 kainh\ kti/sij is a creature to whom nothing has ever existed on earth equal or like, man but also God, through whom is true light and everlasting life. [The translator has largely availed himself of the valuable edition and notes of Charles Segaar (ed. Utrecht, 1816), concerning whom see Elucidation II.]
21 maqhmatikw=j. Fell sugests instead of this reading of the text, pneumatikw=j or memelhme/nwj.
23 o9 kata\ pneu=ma ou9 ptwxo\j ... fhsi/. Segaar omits ou0, and so makes o9 kata\ pneu=ma, k.t.l. the nominative to fhsi/. It seems better, with the Latin translator, to render as above, which supposes the change of o9 into o/j.
24 Matt. xi. 12. [Elucidation III.]
26 The text is the reading on the margin of the first edition. The reading of the ms.., tou= lo/gou, is ammended by Segaar into to\ tou= lo0gou, "as the saying is."
27 Mark x. 29, 30, [quoted inexactly. S.]
29 Segaar emends a0na/pausin to a0po/lausin "enjoyment."
30 1 Cor. ii. 9; 1 Pet. i. 12.
34 safhnismo/n, here adopted insted of the reading sofismo/n, which yields no suitable sense.
36 A work mentioned elsewhere.
41 Combefisius reads "Spirit."
53 kaqara/, Segaar, for kaqa/ of the ms..
55 This, the reading of the ms.., has been altered by several editors, but is justly defended by Segaar.
56 gh=n o\lhn, for which Fell reads th\n o#lhn.
58 tinw=n, for which the text has timw=n.
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |