1 To be found, with copious annotations, in Routh's Reliquiae, vol. i. pp. 389-434, Oxford, 1846. See also Westcott, On the Canon of the New Testament, Cambridge, 1855.

2 Hippolytus and His Age, vol. i. p. 315.

3 Why "Athenian"? It was read everywhere. But possibly this is a specification based on Acts xvii. 21. They may have welcomed it as a novel and a novelty.

4 More of this in Athenagoras; but see Kaye's Justin Martyr, p. 179, note 3, ed. 1853.

5 Roman fabulists know all about Pius, of course, and give us this history: "He was a native of Aquileia, and was elected bishop on the 15th of January, a.d. 158...He governed the Church nine years, five months, and twenty-seven days." So affirms that favourite of Popes, Artaud de Montor (Histoire de Pie VIII., p. xi. Paris, 1830).

6 The latest learned authority among Roman Catholics, a Benedictine, gives us the dates a.d.. 142-156, respectively, as those of his election and decease. See Series Episcoporum, etc. P. B. Gams, Ratisbonae, 1873.

7 Relying upon the invaluable aid of Dr. Routh, I had not thought of looking into Westcott, till I had worked out my own conclusions. I am greatly strengthened by his elaborate and very able argument. See his work on the Canon, pp. 213-235.

8 1 Cor. xiv. The value of Hermas in helping us to comprehend this mysterious chapter appears to me very great. Celsus reproached Christians as Sibyllists. See Origen, Against Celsus, book v. cap. lxi.

9 Westcott, p. 219. Ed. 1855, London

10 Hieron., tom. 1. p. 988, Benedictine ed.

11 Bull (and Grabe), Harmonia Apostolica; Works, vol. iii.

12 Pearson, Vindiciae Ignat., i. cap. 4. Bull, Defens. Fid. Nicaen., 1. cap. 2. sec. 3; Works, vol. v. part i. p. 15.

13 Comment. in Rom. xvi. 14, lib. x. 31. [But see Westcott's fuller account of all this, pp. 219, 220]

14 Hist. Eccl. iii. 3.

15 De Viris Illustribus, c. x.

16 Contra Haeres., iv. 20, 2.

17 Strom., i. xxi. p. 426

18 Ut supra.

19 De Pudicitia, c. xx., also c. x.; De Oratione, c. xvi.

20 [This statement should eb compared with Westcott's temperate and very full account of the Muratorian Fragment, pp. 235-245.]

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at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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