This website is an aggregated cross-reference between the early Church fathers (up to the Nicaea Council of 325 A.D.) in Ante-Nicene Fathers as originally hosted by Christian Classics Ethereal Library, inspired by the e-Catena. I have mirrored the legacy website here, as it contains structural hyperlinks and formatting that are not present in the current edition. The intent of this website is to visualize the evolution of the NT canon's popularity.
The authors/groupings of the translated works in each volume are as follows (note that volume 9 is missing). You can drill down by volume or jump directly to a NT book.
Click here to go back to the root page, or click a New Testament book to drill down.
Color gradients are based on the percentage of times a particular author or set of writings referenced a book of the New Testament. This helps establish the relative influence of specific NT books with the author(s).